Monday, November 21, 2011

Dead legs walking

Friday's gift at GTX (Great Times Crossfit) was the old school 400m lunge for time. I was thankful for two things--one, it wasn't an upper body workout because I was still recovering from Thursday's multi-station partner workout that left my chests extremely sore. Second, I love lower body workouts.

My first ever timed lunge turned out well. I might would've gotten a better time if I had known it was out to the curb AND back. Alas, when I saw some of my folks turn around a couple feet away, I realized I had wasted my precious energy fully dedicated to the first lap when there was another lap back I had to complete. I guess that was my blonde moment because I kept telling myself that the lap looked way too short to be 400m. I should've known better to do the math.

Saturday morning was my long cycle and I had planned on riding Mt. Lemmon. The night before, I had cringed at the thought of riding uphill because I had done three workouts with the lunge as the last grueling workout of the day. Luckily, I had a partner to ride with so that made things better despite the onset of my sore legs!  My three tools for a speedy recovery: green tea, vitamin C chewables and massage.

The next day I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be. I could've skipped the ride altogether if I didn't have anybody waiting for me at Catalina Highway. It was hard to get my legs moving at first but by mile three, I got the hang of it. The goal was to get to mile 5 but I ended up getting to mile 7 and back.

After that day, I was even more sore but didn't regret going on that ride. Let's say last week was a good week of high intensity and mental endurance training on achy muscles followed by a full day recovery at week's end.

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