Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Taper Day 2

I was a very good girl yesterday. Originally, the plan was to do Crossfit yesterday at 5am, Kettlebells at 7am today and Crossfit again tomorrow (Wed) and that's it for the week. Had to think twice and snap out of that temptation. The more I stress my body during race week, the more I see the race as just another time trial or part of my training to prepare for the next upcoming races. Bad habit.

Now the plan is to do just one strength session this week. The earlier in the week, the better for me so I can recuperate from any soreness.

Experts usually recommend cutting back on strength sessions during the week of your race or two weeks before depending on intensity of training, duration of the race and other factors. For me, at least 3 days of recovery is fairly enough to get back on track for a sprint. It would've or might have been better if I skip strength sessions for a week altogether but nah, not for a small race like this. I'm stubborn like that. But an Olympic distance or a full marathon, I'd take my recovery more seriously!

6am Mobility + Flexibility
Worked on spinal mobility. Went something like this:

  • Spinal warm up twists with PVC
  • Foam roll upper back with arms crossed across chest
  • Spinal extension and lateral flexion with medicine ball
  • LAX ball back massage starting from the bottom of your back up to the neck
  • Child's pose hold for about two mins

7am Kettlebells
Complete Circuit Style (1 min rest between sets)
  • Strict Press R+L 3x5
  • Lunges R+L 3x5
  • DBL KB Batwings 3x15sec
  • Renegade Plank 3x30sec

Conditioning (10:00 AMRAP--as many reps as possible)
  • 10 Russian Swings (40lb)
  • 5 BW Squats
  • 3 Burpees

Plus, extra 7 burpees to get to 61 for the 100 Day Burpee Challenge.

Classes were held at GTX. Go check it out! 

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