Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Taper Day 3

Woke up at 3:15 am. I blame my cat, Max, for training my internal clock to get up way earlier than necessary. It used to be 5:00 am, then 4:45, 4:30, 4:00, 3:45 and now he demands his breakfast at 3:15 am. He knows I'm deaf so he has his ways of kicking me out of bed. Paws on my face, nasty cat snot on my face from his wet nose, licks my eye, walks across my neck constantly until I gag and choke and even sit on my face if I refuse to obey his orders.

Fortunately, he won't be around this week because I'm housesitting until next week and I was thrilled to have the whole pre-race week of slumber without him, hoping to sleep and drool like a baby but I guess my inner clock wouldn't allow it. Bummer!

I'm not feeling sore at all so that's a good sign. Let me repeat, no more strength training this week.

5:30am swim (sprint)

WU: 200 swim, 100 kick, 200 pull, 100 drill/swim

Main set:
100m time trial (hard), 100 easy
50m hard, 50 easy
25m hard, 25 easy

Repeat same warm up: 200s, 100k, 200p, 100d/s

4x50, 1&3 hard, 2&4 easy
6x25, 1&3&5 hard, 2&4&6 easy

100s, 100k, 100p, 100d/s

4x75, 25m hard, 50m easy

CD: 100-200m


10am cycle (interval)
Work on short bursts of race pace. Just like Monday's run--another last chance "taste" of speed and efficiency into the legs that you plan to use in the race as well as finding the right gears for uphill, downhill and flat riding. Recoveries are very, very easy with no effort at all.

WU 20:00
Main: 8x2:00, 1:00 hard-1:00 cruise, 2:00 recovery spin
CD: 5:00-10:00

and.... 62 burpees. Broke it down to 30 then 32. Nice easy steady pace all throughout both sets.

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