Sunday, January 29, 2012

Massage for Cheap

One summer during my visit down to Tucson from the east coast, my little sister blurted out "STOP USING MY FOOD TO RELIEVE YOUR MUSCLE PAINS!!" as soon as she caught me rolling my glutes on her Progresso Chicken and Wild Rice Soup. When I didn't own a foam roller back then to smooth out all muscle tension and soreness due to exercise stress, I'd use food cans and let me tell you--they work just as well as a foam roller. I now use the Grid, but sometimes I still head to the pantry if I want more of a deep tissue massage.

I don't pile up on canned foods and prefer taking the time to cook fresh quality food than dump and heat up something that look and taste like vomit. The only canned versions that aren't so bad after all are garbanzo beans, black beans, tuna, salmon, crushed pineapple to mix with my plain Greek yogurt and pureed pumpkin for baking sweets. You got to have at least one can sitting around but if you dont, I'm at a loss of words. They make a great recovery tool! Don't worry about a family member or roommate giving you a weird look for working it on a can because it's very much worth the embarrassment. At least you save yourself 50 bucks from buying the real thing and you get an incredible massage!

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