Sunday, January 15, 2012

Year of the Dragon

PF Chang Half-Marathon Results

Overall - 852/15663
Division - 22 of 722
Gender - 198 of 9505

Time splits
5 Km 24:23
10 Km 49:11
10 Mi 1:19:22

Pace: 7:47
Chip Time 1:41:59
Clock Time 1:42:46

Satisfied with my results as a second timer with the Mount Lemmon half as my first official half marathon. Would be more satisfied with going sub-1:40 but this is something I can deal with for now. At least I achieved my goal which was exactly a minute off and my pacing of 7:00-8:00 was maintained fairly enough but need to work on negative splits, technique and stamina!

Post-race goals for future training: Technique work

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