Saturday, March 3, 2012

Classic Cheesecake Undergoes Metamorphosis

Yesterday was my grandmother's 81st birthday. I wanted to make her something sweet with a taste that's not too overpowering. Thank god for Pinterest. It's an online bookmarking website good for the visual-minded person like me. Upon several clicks away, you can score an unique recipe and have it saved onto your board of collection for future cooking.

When it comes to making desserts, I usually don't try to aim for a healthier version because a dessert is meant to be indulgent but the Raw Cashew Dreamcake caught my attention. Cheesecake is one of my two favorite desserts, along with carrot cake as the other. It's such a fat-bomb but I don't care. The taste is SO worth it. When I came across the Dreamcake recipe, I thought I'd try something different this time.

I was inspired by the tri-colored layers, especially the gorgeous raspberry hue and loved the almond-date combination idea for the crust. It's all natural and is something I'd eat for breakfast. Seriously! I had it pinned on my board and yesterday was the ideal occasion to be making it.

The subtle tart, creamy flavor was intriguing and I'm blown away by the fact that it's almost entirely made of nuts along with a few other ingredients! The taste and texture's like in between fro yo and cheesecake. The only change I wish I had done was to double the batch because I used a 9.5 inch spring-form pan. It came out about a inch and half thin, like the depth of a pumpkin pie when I was expecting the thickness it had promised. I should've read the directions carefully. Oh well, lesson learned.

A cheesecake-like dessert packed with healthier fats, instead of the usual cream cheese and sugar, and protein from nuts along with fragrantly sweet, antioxidant-rich raspberries.... yep, definitely a dream come true but nothing beats the ol' fashioned cheesecake. It's nice having the option of lightening or fattening it up depending on your mood!

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