Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cut Like a Pro

(Photo via Smitten Kitchen)

I always thought cutting (and eating) a mango was a tedious task. The juice gets everywhere and it's almost impossible to master it without getting your hands dirty and sticky. With the flesh so stubbornly attached to the seed and peel, I can't say how many times I've nearly and accidentally cut myself doing this job.

I'd save time and myself by cutting as little as possible and dig in like an animal--scrape the flesh off the seed and peel with my teeth. Then the most annoying feeling is when it gets stuck in between your teeth and you spend the next hour desperately trying to get it out.

If you have ever wondered how on earth to cut such a complicating fruit, check out this video.

Interesting..... I never thought of doing it this way!

Best way to slowly savor the fruit? Throw the cubes into a Ziploc bag and freeze. It's sooooo good!

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