Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Cup of Pinterest

Nothing beats a Sunday morning Pinterest date under the influence of caffeine. I love starting the day with a bloody strong coffee, sometimes with almond milk, after breakfast and a laptop by my side.

Whoever created Pinterest is a damned genius. I was all over it like white on rice this morning. It's all the coffee. I'm tired now so I thought I'd share some of the pins that caught my attention.

Stools dipped in paint.
Cute and simple. 

Color coordinated books.
One way to organize. I also do this in my closet! 

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost.
Via From GG With Love.
Love the poem and the tat. 

Oh Washington, D.C. How much I miss you.
Cherry Blossoms are blooming at this time
 of the season! 

Lemon Quinoa Cilantro Chickpea Salad.
Made this today!
The smell was amazingly invigorating!

Great for making in advance if you're always in a hurry:
Coconut Green Smoothie Cups
Yay for coconut water! 

No words needed. Can be read on many different levels.
Today, that's you, Pinterest.   

That's all Folks. More writing and less pictures later..... Just mentally stale to type up an actual blog! Have a good relaxing Sunday!

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