Thursday, February 16, 2012

Duel with the Microwave

You know, when you stick something in the microwave for like a minute or two, don't you ever find yourself trying to accomplish a task before the microwave hits 00:00? Yeah. That's what I do. I like playing war with it. It goes like this... beep, beep-beep... beep! Then I sprint to the bathroom, do my business and run back as fast as I can and BOOYAH! Sometimes it's attempting to make a sandwich. Putting away the dishes. Clean the kitty box. Run out to get mail. Change clothes. Take out the trash. Whatever it is that sounds like a thrill that moment. I like knowing what I'm capable of within those few minutes!

It's quite ridiculous going through all the things I've done to beat a kitchen appliance and getting myself hurt at times like running into a wall, getting bruises, trip over my cat, stub my toe and scream like a banshee. I figured there are better stationary things I can do instead of going berserk all over the house, putting myself in risk of getting banged up, accidentally breaking things or possibly end up in the ER. You know how embarrassing it would be if your doctor finds out you went through all that bull crap to get your pinky dislocated.

So today, I did something different. While I was waiting for my tea water to heat up, I decided to squeeze in as much burpees as I could within two minutes. No, you read that wrong. Not burping. BURPEES. It was awesome and much more safe, of course. If you're one of those people who like playing war with the microwave, use that time wisely... and safety first! Burpees, plank, push ups, balance exercises like standing on one leg, squats, or whatever you think you're an expert at for a boost of self confidence. Keep a record of your personal bests if that motivates you for your next duel with the microwave.

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