Monday, February 20, 2012

Rainy Day Transition Workout

Last Tuesday was my brick workout, a tempo ride followed by a 15 min run. It was pouring outside and my motivation backfired. Thankfully, an indoor trainer came to the rescue and as I started pedaling, I told myself I just might feel a little more motivated to head outside after an intense hour ride. Unfortunately, when I opened the front door, I still couldn't get myself outside. I like running in the rain... but only if the run is at least 30 minutes and only during the middle of my run to the end because getting started is always the hardest part. That time, I wasn't feeling it and 15 minutes was just too short to be enjoying the dreary weather.

Since I didn't have a treadmill, I began to improvise by running forward and backward in my garage and squeezed in a couple running drills. It worked and was a way to get my legs accustomed to the transition demands of multi sport racing. It's awkward at first in restricted space but at least it helps recruit new muscle fibers that aren't used in forward running. This is great for correcting muscle imbalances and getting your legs moving in different directions also helps flush out that rubbery leg feel after a hard ride. Don't make it a habit; save this for dreary days if your transition run is as short as 15-20 minutes. I'm not going to lie but it's mind-numbingly boring in a confined space but better than skipping the run altogether! Run in the cold wet weather or limited pick.

Better yet, this is also something you can do outside (when weather isn't an issue) for your transition workouts especially if you're training for a duathlon. Ride to a destination, lock up your bike, run forward about 100 meters and backward to your bike a few times. Ride again to the next destination and repeat. Watch out for cars, cyclists and/or runners behind you!

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